Theatricals 3 hours 30 minutes with one intermission

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Theater named after Countess S.V.Panina192007, St. Petersburg, Tambovskaya street, 63
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A person has one universal whim, which is equally with the needs of "eating" and "sleeping". It is the desire to be necessary. Whether in the family, in love, in the profession ....
And it's not the fact that you can't do anything that destroys you, but the fact that you weren't even given a chance to try, weren't given a chance to succeed.... But all people who have nowhere to go can easily find their shelter in the house number five on Yamskaya Street, in a dashing corner of pleasure.

The performance is frank, biting and extremely relevant.
Adults are highly recommended to watch!

Sincerity and hypocrisy, vice and chastity, devotion and betrayal, intertwining and dragging into the complex multifaceted world of human relations.

Characters and performers

A.Denisov, A. Koigerov, N.Gabbasov, A.Yasinsky, E.Lyubimova, O.Boyko, M.Crash, M. Golova, etc.

Authors, directors, directors

Alexey Istomin

Olga Farafonova

Evgenia Lykova

Nikita Sapronov

Ekaterina Kuraeva

Maxim Pakhomov

Past events

Theater center DKZH St. Petersburg

Theater center DKZH St. Petersburg

Theater center DKZH St. Petersburg

Theater center DKZH St. Petersburg

Theater center DKZH St. Petersburg