HomeNNikita Rogov

Nikita Rogov

Born in 1989 in Salavat (Bashkortostan).

Graduated from the Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and Arts, specialty "actor of drama theater and cinema" (workshop of M.Yu.Anichkova).

He plays in an entreprise.
"I would like to know the purchase" (Vitin) Sasha, dir. Orshansky V.
"Pushkin's Fairy Tales" (Pushkin) Balda, dir.Chikurchikov I.
"Deniskin's stories" (Dragoonsky) Denis dir.Onishchuk N.
"The Mask Game" (Mozart) Harlequin, dir.Evstegneeva E.
"The Inspector" (Gogol)- Lyapkin-Tyapkin dir.Onishchuk N.