Cherry Taste16+
2 hours
Musical and lyrical comedy.
Artistic Project Manager: Leonid Alimov
Director: Sergey Andreichuk
Costume Designer: Anastasia Panfilova
Choreographer: Oleg Zimin
Participating in the performance: Irina Murtazaeva, Dmitry Bykovsky, Group D&D.
Our life rushes like a fast train, glimpses of years of stoppage and maturity is ahead, and time to take stock, but ... no - it turns out how many things have already happened, but how many unusual things are ahead of us and the heroes of the musical and lyrical comedy “Taste of sweet cherry” .... Two wonderful St. Petersburg actors, two strong personalities Irina Murtazaeva and Dmitry Bykovsky will tell us their story of life and love within two hours. The unique D&D team will help the hero make their stories musical.