Theatricals 1 hour 40 minutes without intermission

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Theater named after Countess S.V.Panina192007, St. Petersburg, Tambovskaya street, 63
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A crazy performance, the aftertaste of which comes only for tomorrow, when the pieces of the puzzle in your head are finally lined up in a slender garland of extravaganza...

"Place of birth?"
-Why was I detained?
"We need to find out your identity."
"But here's the passport!"
- A person's personality is much broader than a passport, you need to understand what a person lives, what he breathes... look into the secret corners of the soul, find out all the FEATURES...
- Let me go!
- Well, let go, we've only just started!..

An ordinary person from a city near Moscow...

A regular police station...

An unusual interrogation that turns the idea of what can happen in a police station and who the law enforcement officers may be.

We want to offer the audience to become not only an observer, but also a participant in the performance, finding themselves in a situation similar to the one in which the hero found himself.

Past events

Theater center DKZH St. Petersburg

Theater center DKZH St. Petersburg

Theater center DKZH St. Petersburg

Theater center DKZH St. Petersburg

Theater center DKZH St. Petersburg