HomeSSopelnik Arthur

Sopelnik Arthur

Born on May 26, 1991 in Dresden.

He studied at the children's studio at the Moscow theater "Chalk".
In 2012, he graduated from the Higher Theater School. Shchepkina (course of V.I.Korshunov).

In 2013-2017 he worked at the Modern Theater.
Since 2017, he has been cooperating with the Theater of the Moon.
Theater of the Moon:
Gonso Gerard Gavrilovich — "Ordalia", A.G.Zvyagintsev (2017, dir. D.Bikbaev)
Philippe d'One / Gauthier d'One — "The Queen", based on the play by A. Dumas-father "The Nelskaya Tower" (2018, dir. D.Popova)
Romeo, son of Montague — "Romeo and Juliet #alchemiyalubvi", W. Shakespeare (2018, directed by L.Abadzhieva)