HomeKKolosov Nikolay

Kolosov Nikolay

Born on November 16, 1989.

In 2012 he graduated from the Humanitarian University of Trade Unions (course of E.G.Alexandrov).

Since 2012 - actor of the St. Petersburg State Academic Comedy Theater named after N.P. Akimov.
Comedy Theater named after N.P. Akimov:
Fedor - "Krechinsky's Wedding"
Byaze - "Starving and Aristocrats"
Loader - "Ghosts"
Seal, Gardener - "Harold and Maud"
Horse - "The cat that walked by itself"

"Young Theater":
Zhenya - "Bride on call"

The cat - "The Cat and the traffic light"
Carlson - "Carlson"

Student works:
Vanyushin - "Vanyushin's Children"
Yesenyuk - "Irkutsk history"
Podkolesin - "Marriage"
Yesenyuk - "Echelon"